Pic Spam! XD

Jun 04, 2008 20:38

Here for another pic spam! *Continues ranting about how she misses Ya-Ya-yah* So, yeah. :D These are screen caps from Pride Summer Grand Prix, the subbed episode from 

From left to right: Massu, Tesshi, Kei, Shoon, Hika, Yabu and Taiyou

Their guest: Koriki. XD

Laughing at Koriki's entrance. XD

Koriki again. :3

Don't you just love them? x3

The rules of the game...Is it just me or does that really look like Shoon? XD

Hikaru goes first.

Look at him go! XD

Shoon is next. x3


Massu and Koyama imitate Shoon. LOL.

Taiyou's turn!

He fails to touch the ball. D:

LOL. Koyama says that he looks like a cat. XD

Yabu failed too but got 15 points for the pose.

Koyama: Your hair is amazing! It's like the ad for shampoo. Cool!

Next game. :3

Shoon gets mad because of...

...bow ties. XD

...and that's the reason for them?

Koriki goes first. XD

Will he make it...?

...fails. XD

Taiyou and Hikaru failed too.

Yabu gives it a try and makes it halfway...

...but stumbles down 5 meters away from the goal.

It's Shoon's turn and he appears to have a lot of confidence.

He makes it halfway. Will he make it to the goal...?

He makes it! XD

...and makes a flip. :3

...which makes Hikaru jealous. XD

Shoon makes it to the last round and competes with the mistery gold medal swimmer which turns out to be...


Rules for the next game...

Shoon complains and asks why he has to go against the flow.

The race starts!

Yabu says that Shoon looks like a salmon swimming upstream. XD

"Kitajima" crosses the 150 mark...

...and finishes before Shoon.

Shoon can't accept his defeat.

So, they had a talk and decided to have a rematch...

...Kitajima VS all of them. x3

The race starts with Tegoshi...

Hikaru goes next...

Then Yabu...

And Taiyou...

...crashes against the wall. XD

Koriki goes 5th...

Shoon is next but he appears to be tired which causes Kitajima to catch up. D:

Their best swimmer, Massu tries to catch up with Kitajima too. Who will win...?

Team Koriki wins! XD

Yabu asks Koyama who's the King of Summer. And the answer is...


Which causes...

...team Koriki...


...throw Koyama into the pool. XDDD

Awwww~ Don't you just miss those days?! D':
73 screen caps all in all. :D Getting sleeeeeepy... -_-" Better go to bed. *Yawns* Oyasumi~ x3

ya-ya-yah, pic spam

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