hair n crafts

Aug 13, 2005 14:28

11 more days at home!

1. sohee called me yesterday- she and her family went to lehigh to see the place b4 they go back to korea [her cousins and all] and she called me standing in our room... LOL aparently its Really small, and only has one desk.... =/ idk whats up w/that. hopefully she got the wrong room?

2. my hair is now curly! or rather, not big curls, but small waves, but i <3 it, and i love that my mom has the skills so it was free and fun to do w/her. =D 3. so my neighbor/bestbud/anjuli makes and sells these bags that are like med-sized tote bags and they are AMAZING and she just gave me two [one for cori and one for my aunt] and im so impressed!

3. so cori knitted me a Huge blanket so i told her id make her this rag-time quilt like one i made myself... omg its so much work and she has no idea... i hate cutting, fluffing, and sewing fabric...!!! soooo thats what most of my time consists of now.. its ook..

Im suuuper stoked for all these last minute parties goin on next week, and yay college in less than 2 weeks!!!

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