Nov 09, 2009 08:06

Characters: Houshou, "Onion", Elaine, Fletcher, Nakuru, Erza
Location: Houshou's office
Time: Early afternoon
Content: mentor group time! Mostly it's teambuilding and problem-solving today.
Warning: none

Well, today was the day. It was time for his first mentor group. While he had gotten used to teaching his class by now, this was something entirely different. He wasn't nervous, per say, but but he did feel a little jumpier than normal. While he had shown himself to be a good teacher, now was his time to be a good mentor.

The main thing he was worried about was a values dissonance between what he was used to and what these (mostly American) students were used to. He had trouble with that the last time he was here in America, and he was sure it would happen again. Now he could speak English much more fluently, though, so his lack of a mangled accent should help with that. And if anything really big popped up, he could ask his colleagues for help. That's what they were there for, after all.

As the students arrived, Houshou smiled and greeted all of them. He had set out six chairs in the room, one each for the students and himself, so they could sit in a circle and talk for a bit. "Alright then," he said once everyone had arrived, "Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves?"

fletcher tringham, erza scarlet, nakuru reed, doug "onion" knight, elaine mallory

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