Characters: Ryoga and Anyone
Location: The Rec Room
Time: Middle of the day on a weekday during summer break
Content: Ryoga's been staying inside so he won't wander off and has dicovered daytime television--more specifically soap operas. He's watching a marathon of "The Pugnacious and the Pretty" (I know, I have a little too much fun with thinly veiled analogues...) because he's been sucked into the absurd plot. Come save him from himself or join in the madness, whichever suits you.
Format: I'ma start in prose, but I'll follow your lead if you'd rather action it.
Warnings: There is a lot of sad right now, so I'm countering with some ridorkulous. (It's how I cope...)
The summer weather is fantastic, and the Institute grounds provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities. However, Ryoga has all but forgotten that there is an outside...
It all started when he left his room to find something to do in all his free time that the summer break provides. He passed the rec room and his attention was drawn by the large television.
Ryoga's family owned a television, but he'd only ever occasionally watched the news, and that mostly for the weather reports. (Stupid rain...) He knew there were an abundance of shows designed to entertain; he'd just never been home enough days in a row to follow anything regularly. Now though, he was living in one place, and as long as he didn't wander off the grounds, he could probably idulge.
He picked up the remote and poked the big, red power button. He never even got around to changing the channel! At first, he kept watching the soap because, well, it was funny! There was so much overacting, and the story line was so complex and yet so absurd at the same time. Then he got attached to a character to which he could relate, and before he knew it, he'd lost all sense of time. He sprawled on the comfy sofa, eyes glued to the screen...