Characters: Prince, Hajime, and others
Location: all around the school
Time: afternoon
Content: Prince wants to make the Children's Science Channel, so he enlists some help from Hajime!
Format: action's probably easiest for Katamari things
Warnings: None. For once, Prince isn't trying to roll up people
[Today, Prince has an assignment from his papa! The alien reality warper can't wait to get started, though he looks confusedly at a sheet of paper. This Katamari needs to be made differently from the others. Only certain items will work, and he has to find them all... He knows whose help he needs!]
[A child sized Prince runs around campus until he finds Hajime and forces a list of items on him.]
Hello! I would like your help on a Katamari! Papa wants me to make a satellite for children's science shows! It has to be very fun and very smart. To teach young minds! But there are many things I do not know about Earth.
You have glasses, so that makes you very smart and the smartest person I know besides Papa and Mama!
[He beams a smile at the Ouendan, eager for his reply.]