Characters: STAFF
Location: The war room since it is the BIGGEST MEETING ROOM. No actual war included.
Time: 10am Thursday, since it is the holidays.
Format: Action, for quickness. Tag yourselves in!
Warnings: None!
Thank you all for coming. As you may know, yesterday a space station used for deep space research came under attack frown an unknown aggressor. Both the institute and Sanctuary worked to aid a ship carrying survivors, however the reason behind the attack itself is yet to be determined. Tolian Soran has been demanding to be returned to his research, he claims that time is an important factor and has been very insistent on this matter. Soran appears to have some kind of barrier preventing me from seeing his intentions, however I believe he knows more about this attack than he is revealing. That aside, I believe the space station itself may still be unsafe so Doctor Soran will simply have to wait. I am open to suggestions on how we should proceed.
And I guess the emapths and body language readers can't do anything either... [So much for that, then something clicks]
... Wait a minute. Are you saying that we actually have have the means to return him to the space station?!
[Why this surprised him after Jack Spicer and Tony Stark time machines, who knows?]
We have many friends in high places.
[to the Professor:]
Would it be wise to visit this space station for ourselves?
There's probably stuff on it Soran doesn't want us to see; scientists always have some weird obsessive project they're working on in secret. He's definitely hiding something. Chances are if we board that station he'll out with it. Where is he at the moment?
[more amused than anything:]
So what you're saying, then, is that we shouldn't trust a man of science?
Hidden intentions are often ill ones, indeed. We should definitely find what it is he's working on before letting him return to it. How dangerous is the space station, exactly?
Wellll, we could send someone to go have a look see.
I believe that was what Ororo was suggesting in the first place.
[takes a sip of her tea]
Might I add that whosoever chooses to embark upon this little adventure scan the space station electronically, first, from the comfort of their ship? It should go without saying, but...[waves a hand] Not to worry, though, I'm sure all of you will get your chance to investigate it personally afterward.
[a slight smirk]
[Reki has a feeling he knows where he's going to end up soon. This is starting to sound like technopath territory]
I knew I should have taken some self defense courses...
[ Well, he did! And sure, he's stayed quiet up until now because his new years resolution was to not argue in any more staff meetings, but... ]
I don't mind flying a few people up there to check it out, but I agree we should err on the side of caution here. As far as I know it's still air tight, just some system damage from weapons fire. Soran is being kept under watch by Sanctuary at the moment, we had him here but...
[ He hesitates, looking for the right phrasing. ]
He got a little too curious for a few people. Very bad at following instructions. Kinda like Jane here --
[ Glances across. RAISES AN EYEBROW. ]
But there's no way the attack on that station was unprovoked. And if Soran isn't sharing, he's probably in on it.
[ stretches a little from where she is. ]
So, is it agreed that some of us are going to check out the place? That seems to be the general consensus.
In a put-upon voice;]
After all we've been through together...
Does this Soran resort to petty digs in order to boost his self-esteem? I'll go ask him.
[Stands, making to leave as if he's actually going to head over to the Sanctuary right this minute.]
[Not... that she entirely minds if he does, but she couldn't leave it unsaid.]
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