Characters: Sheppard, Open!
Location: His office!
Time: All day!
Content: Sheppard is back from his mysterious 'personal' time, and busy catching up! Come ask him about anything! Self Def classes, Network problems, overall security problems, his funny face...
Format: Any
Warnings: None!
[ Witty cut text! ] )
[guess what she has for you]
[it is even more paperwork]
I'm touched, but you know my birthday isn't for a few months yet.
I like to get a head start.
[hands it over]
[ Takes them and flicks through, trying to work if they're Read, Sign or Ignore. ]
I'll consider them. Thank you.
[ Gdit why does nobody trust him to do his job. Rebelliously put them on the ignore pile for now. He'll cave and read them later, but right now he's feeling pissy. ]
Anything else, or are you just here to generally nag and micromanage?
Oh, I haven't begun to nag or micromanage. I would be happy to start, though, if it would help you to justify your attitude.
Well, if you want to create more work for yourself who am I to stop you.
[ Shrugs casually. What attitude? ]
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