Characters: Virgil and Anyone else
Location: One of the Rec Rooms
Time: Afternoon
Content: Homework is for later, let's play some video games instead.
Warnings: None
After a long day of classes, nothing felt better to Virgil than to sit back and let his mind turn to mush. )
Comments 12
Hence the drifting.
As she made her way though the halls, she heard bright, cheerful music coming from a room - a rec room, she figured. With her return from idle daydreams came the return of actual ground beneath her feet, and she wandered into the room to see a guy she didn't really recognise in front of a some kind of video game.
"Hi," she said brightly, hoping he didn't mind company, and wasn't going to yell at her or something for interrupting his game.
The musical call of Mario Kart made its way to his ears, instructing the twinless twin to follow to where he found two people he didn't know all that well. Maybe he'd seen them in class? Oh well. The game was far more interesting.
"Is that an N-64? And it still works!? Awesome!" Len called out, ignoring the girl and making his way for one of the controllers.
He gestured to one of the other remote controls just as another boy came into the room. 'Man, I should have known Mario Kart would be a draw' he thought to himself with a smirk. "Yeah, bro, I was pretty shocked myself. I haven't played an N-64 in ages." Already, Virgil was going back to the start screen to reset the game and set it up for multi-player mode. After all, he could see the other boy snatching up a remote out of the corner of his eye.
The last person to enter to rec room was a lot more familiar to Virgil. He was the speedster...Tommy...if Virgil had remembered correctly. Virgil tossed him a hand wave in greeting before focusing on choosing a character. "You can jump in now if you want...we haven't exactly started yet."
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