Characters: Luffy and pre' much anyone but especially the Straw Hat gang <3
Location: Franky's workshop
Time: Friday afternoon
Content: Not even creepy shit going down can keep Luffy from having his FUN TIEMS
Format: Prose, action, idk up to you :Db
Breathing wall were kind of cool for a little while, but after you'd realized that they weren't very talkative and didn't taste very good they tended to become rather boring very quickly. At least, they did to the black-haired boy with his signature straw hat and attention span of a flea. He'd considered going to the hotel with the others (there was the offer of pizza, and pizza was always a welcome prospect), but had decided against it, as some part of his animal-like instinct was telling him that bad things might happen, and as he didn't want bad things to happen to his friends, he'd concluded he would be better off staying (besides, Sanji's food was way better than pizza).
So, he had taken it upon himself to create a diversion for himself, which had resulted in him wandering into the sawdust-smothered room with the intent of making a Meat Cannon. He had thought this idea a stroke of pure brilliance on his part, and wouldn't the guys be amazed when he'd finished it?! Perhaps he could even persuade Franky to fit it to the ship when he was building it...
The blueprints for the said 'Super Amazing Awesome MC01' were laid out on one of the tables (or at least that was what Luffy would have claimed they were, what they really looked like was hard to say, but it might have been accepted as some form of abstract art by, say, a blind penguin), as the rubbery student worked diligently at dismantling a perfectly good barrel, one of the metal rings looped around his neck and shoulder. He wasn't quite sure how to make a cannon, but he was sure it would turn out alright, he'd just have to learn how to do it as he went along.