Characters: Tommy Shepherd and Karen Starr
Time: After classes, in detention
Location: DETENTION and then a Sushi restaurant.
Content: Peej is back and checks up on Tommy. Tommy doesn't think he NEEDS checking up on.
Format: Action
Warnings: Probs swearing, hair ruffling and offending the Japanese with Tommy's table manners.
[ It's that time of the day again. Detention. Tommy isn't even sure why he's here this time, but it might have something to do with the giant hole in his floor, which, admittedly, wasn't his fault, but he was going to be here anyway so it might as well been. He's currently sitting at the desk, ignoring the homework he's supposed to be doing in favor of being slumped over it, tapping his pen against it at high speed. The teacher overseeing detention is used to him being here, so has long given up on telling him off about relentless tapping.]