Characters: Ned and anyone following the fresh scent of pie.
Location: Kitchen.
Time: Afternoon.
Content: Ned made a lot of pies. A lot. Why? He might be taking his mind off something. Do what you want. Smash, throw, dance, juggle the pies -- Or you can actually eat them.
Format: Staring with prose, but it is totally switchable.
Warnings: Nothing. ...Probably.
The facts were these: The Pie Maker had left Charlotte "Chuck" Charles back at his place of business, the childhood sweetheart of Coeur d'Coeurs, but had yet to realize this degree of selfishness. Chuck, suddenly cast upon to cruelty of murder, was immediately revived upon discovery. The Pie Maker was full of bliss as the two gazed at each other in their reunion, but it suddenly mixed in a pool grief as the earlier events in his life haunted him. A ghost, cruel with a charming smile and sudden love for a second change of life was upsetting for the Pie Maker's heart. The Pie Maker summarized the chain of events in his mind multiple times, but it always stopped at a dead end.
Keeping true to his title, The Pie Maker decided to make some pies.
Apple, Strawberry, Chocolate Satin, Banana Cream, Chocolate Satin, Cherry, Blueberry... The Pie Maker was going down the list of The Pie Hole's menu. He did not stop, as he feared these overwhelming thoughts just might pound at his head and fill with thoughts of the brunette who was close, yet so far away. The thoughts were upsetting, yet always resulted in the delighted curve of his lips. The Pie Maker did not smile now. Eyes furrowed and focused, he pulled out his latest pie and lined it up with the others. The scent of Four Berry pie rose and stirred in the air that was now quite fruity with flavor, holding such a strong mixture of scents that one could almost taste. This unity of pies seemed to form a mind of their own, floating out of the kitchen and pouring into the world. If one should lift their head and sniff, they would be overpowered by the pies that now waited for serving.