
May 21, 2010 21:18

Characters: Maes Hughes and Roy Mustang
Time: BACKDATED to late December 31st/early January 1st
Location: A bar in DC while on Christmas break.
Content: Two adult best friends drinking together.
Format: Prose, Action, Don't matter
Warnings: Alcohol~ And possible cursing. Other warnings added as needed.

DC Brewery was a local chain of combination restaurant/bars around Washington DC which included three things: good food, warm sourdough pretzels, and excellent self-brewed beers.  The bar itself wrapped around large, brass fixtures that the various beers was brewed in.

Roy ruffled his black trench coat to shake off the snow as he entered.  He stomped his feet on the mat to get some feeling back into them.  "Damn, it's cold.  I think it's colder than Salem right now.  How's that even possible?"

He blew onto his hands, trying to warm them up and cursing himself for leaving his normal gloves behind.

maes hughes, roy mustang

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