Characters: Zell Dincht, Takeshi Yamamoto, semi-open (feel free to come across Zell to chat in the hallway there)
Location: Starting out in the dorm hallway, then going to town
Time: A weekend, sometime after Zell playing in the snow with Waka
Content: The weekend comes along and Zell goes shopping with Yamamoto to get stuff for their rooms. Unfortunately Zell is hopelessly unaware that he's coming down with a cold. Feel free to meet him in the hallways for the love of CRs
Format: Whichever one you want
Warning: Possible spreading of said cold >.> (bad Zell, no spreading sickness)
Zell thought to himself as he got changed for going out to the city. Ever since he woke up this morning he's been feeling... off. Something didn't seem completely right, but he didn't know what it could be. It wasn't that he was still tired, he just didn't have his normal amount of energy. Considering that he usually had a lot, he knew he could still go about the day just fine.
It wasn't until he was walking down the hallway that he sneezed. It only happened once so he thought it might have just been some dust or something. He wiped his nose on his sleeve to get the tickling to go away before putting on his usual smile again and continuing down the hall to Yamamoto's room.
When he got there he knocked on the door and leaned against the opposite wall for the older boy to answer.