Can't Hold Me Back [Closed]

May 16, 2010 01:13

Characters: Dr. Facilier, Tanaka Hajime
Location: In the city
Time: Midday
Content: The boy who wants to help others is offered some assistance of his own
Format: Prose
Warning: Voodoo, hoodoo, things we ain't even tried

The school did its best to provide anything that the students really needed, but some more particulars were up to the students themselves to acquire. Since the first invasion of the school some months ago, it was said that the students were not to leave campus without some measure of supervision. Since the second and third invasion of the school within the last weeks, however, much off the staff had been too frazzled to keep up with the demands set upon them. Furthermore, Hajime hardly felt it was prudent to bother with some sort of chaperon hovering about him. He could handle things on his own.

His walk down the street went at a brisk pace, or as brisk as one could manage while trying to juggle his purchases under one arm. The bag had ripped a block back, leaving Hajime to try and balance the various books and packages as well as he could manage. It was annoying, uncomfortable, and harder than it sounded. Already, the box of candies he'd bought for Chopper were starting to slip off their perch atop his books.

dr. facilier, tanaka hajime

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