May 10, 2010 02:16

Characters: Teddy, open
Location: The Institute grounds
Time: Late enough to be dark but not like the DEAD OF NIGHT or anything
Content: In which Teddy feels like he is not as good at identifying components of the night sky as someone who is a space alien should be
Format: Startin out on prose here but if anyone wants to throw anyone in you can do it in whatever format you like
Warnings: Nnnone

It was easier to see the stars out here than in the city, which was nice as long as you weren't looking at them with the nagging guilt that came from not really remembering which direction you were supposed to be looking at to spot the distant light that was apparently the far-off galaxy where you were born.

... Or, well, hatched. Teddy could have done without being told that part -- not that there was anything wrong with that, he reminded himself in a pathetic, unconvinced sort of way; he shared a dorm room with someone who'd been hatched out of an egg, it wasn't ... that weird.

He carefully but firmly pushed that line of thought to the back of his mind, and took a few steps back to take a better look at the sky. He had the vague idea that the Andromeda Galaxy was supposed to be somewhere near Pegasus, but heck if he knew which constellation Pegasus was. And he had no idea at all where the Large Magellanic Cloud was supposed to be.

Teddy stuffed his gloved hands into his pockets and huffed into his scarf. He was the worst space alien ever.

perscitia, kate bishop, takeshi yamamoto, !!open, teddy altman

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