Characters: Alto and YOU.
Location: Entrance to the boys' dormitories.
Time: Late at night.
Content: Alto tries to sneak back into the boys dorm after he fails at shifting back into his male form.
Format: Action, cos I'm lazy
Warnings: It's Alto. Expect tsuntsun and epic flailing.
[Things couldn't get any worse. First he had gone out for a walk around the lake to work off some frustrations at being left out of the action with the zombies and all. Then he had to catch a cold, and possibly a fever. A sneeze led to his body shifting. And now he couldn't shift back.
Hopefully, a good night's sleep will help. Provided he can sneak back into his room without being spotted by anyone along the way. Or waking his new roommate, who knows nothing about his... powers.]
Please... don't let anybody see me...