Characters: Yoko and her lil' mentor group [Josh Newman, Kate Bishop, Minato Arisato, and Wendy Darling?]
Location: The shootin' range. This is Yoko we're talking about, guys. WHERE ELSE WOULD WE MEET.
Time: Saturday afternoon lololol I... am so sorry I'm late.
Content: Yoko's mentor group meets for the first time, and badass...ness is bound to occur. Yes, that is a word. Shut up.
Forty minutes.
Yoko sighed heavily, letting her head fall back to thump against the wall. Why was she so early again? She had arrived an entire hour early, just to scope out the area and make sure there were no surprises waiting for her anywhere--with Kamina around, she was expecting at least a paint bomb or two--but, after finding absolutely nothing waiting in the shadows, she was left with, well... absolutely nothing to do. Maybe she could go... shoot a few rounds before the students arrived? She reached up, her fingertips grazing her rifle's wide, familiar strap. Target practice was certainly tempting; after all, it was what she always did when she wanted to clear her head, or when she was just bored.
...But she couldn't do that. After all, who knew when the kids would arrive? She didn't want to be the late one. She would just have to tough it out and wait the forty minutes for everyone to arrive. It would give her time to plan out everything she would have to go over in her group's first little meeting... which wasn't all that much, honestly. The kids would have to get to know one another, and to choose a name for their special little group... and she would have to warn them about Kamina's group, to be sure. Who knew when he would choose to attack?
She couldn't help but to smile slightly. Team rivalry, huh? Well, there was no doubt as to who's team would come out on top. Her kids would be at the top of everything.
...When they actually arrive, that is. She looked back down at her watch, her smile quickly fading. Thirty-five more minutes....
[ooc: point of interest: yoko is wearing her non-teacher clothes because they're easier to move around in and is carrying her beloved rifle. it's out of the ordinary, so i thought i might need to let y'all know? idevenk.]