[Open] Bedside Manners

Apr 20, 2010 21:16

Characters: Sasori and anyone
Location: Infirmary
Time: A day or two before the Wesker-related shenanigans, so anyone around the Institute is welcome to stop by!
Content: Sasori isn't well and needs some visitors to cheer him up
Format: Prose
Warnings: Irritable bedridden puppetmasters

This was not how Sasori had wanted to spend his winter break. It would have been the perfect opportunity to get some work done without the distractions of class, but instead, he'd ended up confined to a bed for who knows how long. Of course, one could say it was all his own fault, considering his continued habits of not getting nearly enough sleep, coupled with an atrocious diet full of sweets and not much else. It all had to catch up with him sooner or later, and it had at last, exhaustion resulting in his being confined to bed until he finally got a decent amount of rest and nutritious food in him.

He wasn't particularly inclined to take the blame onto himself where it by all rights really belonged however, preferring to instead blame it on the forces of the Universe conspiring against him yet again. It was much more cathartic to rail against such things than to take the blame onto himself and darken his mood even further, certainly.

Ah well, he supposed there were worse places to find oneself confined to bed. At least the infirmary was quiet, so he could take advantage of this opportunity to work on the blueprints for his next project. Maybe, just maybe, he might get something productive done after all.

Unless, of course, someone chose to stop by to interrupt him....

(( OOC: I'm still on slowatus/semi-hiatus, so I may be a little slow to tag, but I'll do so when I can! ♥ ))

temari sabaku, sasori akasuna, ranka lee

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