Characters: Derrick, Spin
Location: conveniently placed spare/empty room to practice in
Time: mid afternoon
Content: Two music empaths with a fear of their other power come across each other when one is trying to practice.
Format: prose
Warnings: None; don't touch the glowy things, and we're good.
Derrick had only been at the Institute a few weeks, but he was getting impatient with himself in regards to his powers. Too many times that new power of his went off when he heard music. And... in such a musical school (or so he thought), he had been shocking himself a lot lately. Each time he swiped his MP3 player at the spheres to get rid of them... he shocked himself in the process. Derrick hated thinking about anyone else being on the receiving end of a shock from those stupid glowy things. By some outside miracle, the spheres never appeared in band where he really could hurt someone.
And for some reason, he just felt... off... ever since he started practicing in Control and on his own time.
He walked down the halls and found a currently empty room. Derrick hoped that if someone needed it, the ability to leave quickly would avoid any problems with not having permission. This was just until he could find a room to regularly practice in or learned to stop the glowy things. After closing the door as much as he could so the sound wouldn't bother people, he went to a corner, turned his MP3 player on, plugged in a small travel speaker, and gave himself some space. Then he listened, relaxing a little with his back against the wall and letting his eyes close slightly. Why was he feeling more tired and achy than normal? He was a bit of an insomniac, but he never felt like he would randomly fall asleep somewhere before.
As expected, small light blue orbs appeared and started to hover in the air around him, one after the other.