the light on the dark side of me

Mar 10, 2010 08:59

Characters: Fiore, [OPEN]
Location: Fiore's office.
Time: Afternoon
Content: Fiore is just catching up on paperwork and inventory checking in his office. Come on in if you are interested in taking his class, want to know more about the elusive Mr Kissenia, need a herbal remedy for any problem, or just want to chat.
Format: Anything is fine!
Warnings: One anti-social alien, coming right up.

Fiore's office always smelt like roses, probably due to the rose oil that he always kept burning at the corner. On the medical value, it was soothing on his nerves and also helped with the constant depression that threatened to overflow and drown him in its intensity. On the other hand, the scent of roses brought him back to that hospital room so many years ago, where he received his first flower from his very first and only friend.

It had only been a short while since he returned to the Institute, but with the recent events going on, there were plenty of work for him to do. He glanced over at the far end of the office, where he had his work table and bottles of flower essences, and sighed. Which should he do first? Paperwork, or inventory check?

Or... he glanced around at the files and books piled up on the floor, his table and the chairs.

He could pack.

maes hughes, roy mustang, !!open, fiore kissenia

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