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Mar 07, 2010 18:55

Characters: Pepper and anyone who wants to come and visit her
Location: Infirmary
Time: About four days after the conference shenanigans.
Content: Pepper is recovering and has an arc reactor. It glows.
Format: Whatever you want!

To say that Pepper looked in good shape would be a bit of a lie; thankfully, she was still alive, but her skin had lost its colour and she looked smaller than usual, and rather breakable, almost. Despite this she was recovering soundly, faster than one would expect for someone who'd sustained such serious injuries to their chest and ribcage - that, naturally, was thanks to Tony. After all, he was the one who'd made the arc reactor that now shone in her chest, and that was what had ultimately saved her. She lay quite still in her bed, hands folded across her middle, attached to all manner of medical equipment and drips, sleeping only lightly. Today was the first day that she was allowed visitors, and the thought of company was comforting after four days of solitude, it was also a little daunting. There were quite a number of apologies to be made.

tony stark, virginia "pepper" potts, lara raith, dug, ororo munroe

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