[Dora had been up half the night unpacking her room... So forgive her lack of care about her appearance right now. She opens the door in her un-morphed stage, wearing a t-shirt and some jeans with holes in the knees]
[Amused.] That does more harm than good in the long run.
And this is the library. Bernard Black is the librarian and he's a little... unconventional. It's best to know what you want, or just come here for work.
It's best to avoid him. [Starts heading away from the library.] Oh, here's the staff lounge. There's always coffee, just not always a pot. Zack, I think his name is, the other TA occasionally blows it up.
I'm pretty good at avoiding people when I want to... [She salutes him with a grin]
Coffee is going to be my new best friend this week, I think.... [she laughs] I'm sure everyone finds a way to get the coffee even if it doesn't have a pot.
Wotcher, Remus.
Good day, Tonks. [Hands her coffee.] Thought you could use this. First night's always the hardest.
No kidding... that was brutal. [she laughs as she takes a sip] So... where to first?
Mmm. And it would be wise of me not to get lost on my first day helping you out... So that's probably the best place to start.
[Oh, and look, the library is in front of them.]
And this is the library. Bernard Black is the librarian and he's a little... unconventional. It's best to know what you want, or just come here for work.
Ah... Unconventional?
But he leaves you alone and we're not far from the classrooms.
That's good at least...
Coffee is going to be my new best friend this week, I think.... [she laughs] I'm sure everyone finds a way to get the coffee even if it doesn't have a pot.
But the lounge isn't a bad place to go. It can be social or relatively peaceful.
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