I am Endeavoring, Ma'am,

Feb 24, 2010 13:22

Characters: Spock and open/ anyone who responded to his network post
Location: Outside the Institute
Time: Midmorning
Format: Third preferrably, but whatever.
Content: Spock learning about earth life cycles.
Note: Since there was a pretty big interest in this, each person can take a thread and we will handwave time and order. Spock frowns on the lack of logic I am using. Hell, he just needs CR.

Spock had set out early with a book he had checked out of the library on ecology and life cycles of certain, common plants of the North American variety. It was still early yet, but he figured that perusing through the book for a fifth time could not hurt before he started.

botan takeuchi, spock greyson, !!open, pamela isley

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