[active/closed-ish] Counselors Happy Hour!

Feb 08, 2010 17:13

Characters: Buffy, Buran, Godot, Lara, Terry; any other staff feel like stopping by
Time: After school; HAPPY HOUR
Location: Keepsie's Bar
Content: Counselors' Happy Hour; It's about damn time.
Format: Whatever goes!
Warnings: Heavy drinking

The bar was perfect. Nothing like the fancy quiet charm of Annette's on the Square, just a relaxed atmosphere and the promise of plenty of booze. The white convertible pulled into a conveniently vacated parking space in front of Keepsie's and Lara smiled with anticipation as she killed the engine and headed inside. Had it been nearly two weeks since she started this job? This was a long time in coming.

((OOC: Feel free to have hitched a ride with Lara or whatever))

keepsie branson, terrance ward, buffy summers, lara raith, diego "godot" armando, buran shirazi

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