Characters: Minato Arisato, just about anyone who wants to have a food fight
Location: Cafeteria
Time: Around September 11, lunchtime
Content: Several students discover lunch at the Xavier Institute, as well as all that it entails.
Warnings: Food fights? 8D
So far, things weren't that bad here. Some of the teachers were crazy, but it had been that way at Minato's old school, and frankly, he had been prepared to deal with it. It was a mutant high school, after all; there was bound to be at least a little weirdness involved. Oh, well. He'd get used to it - and besides, he'd passed his control class. That was one less thing to worry about, right? Right.
He got his food (a turkey sandwich, some fruit and milk, along with some chocolate pudding) and sat down at a table that didn't look terribly occupied, his headphones already on as he lost himself in the music.
So far, this place wasn't so bad. Not at all.
[ooc: This will basically go like a party thread for those who want to join in. Food fight will come... whenever somebody wants to start it, likely after some CR. 8D]