Characters: Ritsu Kasanoda & Tanaka Hajime
Time: Afternoon
Location: B52; Boys dorm
Content: Kasanoda brings home pet number two (well, if you count his 9 Glofish as a group)...and attempts to keep her a secret from his roommate
Format: Third
Warnings: None
Kasanoda wasn't sure waht the rules were on pets. He figured he should look into it if situations like this were going to happen. The situation? Well, he had a fuzzy grey striped kitten tucked under his coat.for starters.
It had started an hour ago when Kasanoda had been out of the school. The kitten, well, really a young cat, had been curled up outside. He hadn't thought much of it, saying hello to the cat out of habit and thinking it would bolt like most cats. Instead, the cat had turned her head towards Kasanoda and asked him if he knew where home was. After a short conversation Kasanoda had learned two things: 1) that the cat was homeless and 2) the cat was blind in one eye. A third thing would be that it was starving. Kasanoda couldn't just leave her stranded, he told her he could give her a home and had askd the cat if she wanted to come.
The cat, whose name was apparently Gwen, agreed after hearing the promise of food.
So, now he was sneaking her into the dorm. She kept trying to peak out of his coat, but he shoved her head back down. He had a feeling it wouldn't be a big deal, seeing as there were dragons and wolves around, but he didn't want to risk it.
He scampered into his room and opened his coat so that Gwen could hop out. She immediately took to his bed, tail flicking back and forth. After a few minutes she seemed satisfied and glanced at the fish, tongue flicking out, Is that my food?
"No! You can't eat the fish!"
The fish swished around in the bowl, suddenly agitated. As a group they cried, repeating Kasanoda, Don't eat us!
Perhaps bringing the cat had been a bad idea. Kasanoda sighed in exasperation, "You can't have the fish ok. I'll get you some cat food." Kasanoda moved over to his bag where he had put the cat food he purchased on the way here.