Characters: Alfred and Matt Location: Al's room Time: Tuesday eveningish Content: We're taking over XI with all our logs Al finds Matt in his room. Format: third, just because Warnings: angst?
Matthew didn't want to talk, didn't want to explain, so he settled for twinlinking over the very briefest of impressions of what had happened with Kaoru and Lovi before he buried under the covers more and curled up.
Alfred sat on the edge of his bed next to Matt and tugged the blankets down until he found Matt's hair to pet as comfortingly as he could. He wasn't really sure what to say in this sort of situation; his sympathies automatically went to his brother, but logically--
Alfred didn't stop pushing comfort into Matt as best he could. That didn't matter--Matt was the one who needed it right now, right or wrong on his twin's part. But still he couldn't think of anything useful to say.
It wasn't like Al was planning on going anywhere, and he didn't really like being by himself anyway. And, well, Tatsuki had punched out some of his teeth, so maybe he should give her some time to cool off.
Alfred took one of the subs he'd brought up with him (of three) and started eating it. Nothing had ever tasted better (though he was saving the burger and he was sure that would taste best); he hated going without food. He offered Matt one of the cookies.
Matt stared at the cookie for a minute and then buried back under the covers. His stomach was rolling too hard to think about eating. He didn't even want to see food really. The thought of cooking away his problems seemed impossible.
Alfred finished off the sub and tucked in a bit closer to Matt. There wasn't really much he could do in this sort of situation, which was frustrating to a degree he hadn't really been aware of. He hated not being able to fix things.
Matthew shrugged and curled up to Al. He really wished Al could just step in and fix things, but he couldn't. Only Matt could do a thing, and he wasn't even sure what to do. Nothing could fix this.
Alfred sent more comforting thoughts to Matt while he tried to think about some possible solution. He hated having his hands tied, and there had to be something he could do. But he couldn't think of anything besides the obvious advice.
Matt sighed and nodded a little. He lifted his phone and stared at it. Then he sat up and walked out of the room.
/I'll be back in a second./
Then Matt called Lovino. When he didn't pick up, Matt just left a voicemail, trying to explain, trying to explain what he wasn't sure he understood himself. But he'd tried and he wasn't sure what else he could do.
He wandered back in, wiping tears from his eyes, and sat on the far side of the bed. /Al I'm bothering you aren't I/
In the short amount of time Matt had been out of the room, Alfred had gone through most every bit of food he'd brought up to his room. He didn't even know he could get that hungry.
"'m idiot."
He settled for just trying to calm Matt down.
/Al don't...I know it's my fault. I know./
/Al...can I stay here for a bit?/
It wasn't like Al was planning on going anywhere, and he didn't really like being by himself anyway. And, well, Tatsuki had punched out some of his teeth, so maybe he should give her some time to cool off.
Matt stared off into space and looked over at the desk. Worst week ever. He sat up and hugged Al tightly. /thank you/
/you should eat. You didn't get enough today./
/You didn't either./
/Not hungry/
/Maybe sleep would help?/
/Maybe./ Matt closed his eyes and tried to relax.
/You have to explain it to him, y'know./
/I'll be back in a second./
Then Matt called Lovino. When he didn't pick up, Matt just left a voicemail, trying to explain, trying to explain what he wasn't sure he understood himself. But he'd tried and he wasn't sure what else he could do.
He wandered back in, wiping tears from his eyes, and sat on the far side of the bed. /Al I'm bothering you aren't I/
/Nah, don't worry about it./
/I knew you were hungry. I knew./ He pouted at Al and sighed. /Did you eat that cookie?/
He pushed down every little bit of pain and sorrow, trying to put on a good face for Al. He must be tired of Matt's crying by now.
Alfred wasn't buying Matt's facade, but didn't comment on it, either. If it made him feel better to have it up, let him keep it up.
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