inexhaustible craving for something [active/closed]

Dec 11, 2009 23:47

Characters: Riza Wildman, Yousuke Hanamura
Location: Outside the boys' dorm, moving to a nearby burger joint
Time: Saturday at the agreed-upon time
Content: Riza and Yousuke have a ~*serious date*~
Format: I did it in third person but we can switch to action if you want, idk
Warnings: No innuendo. Minimal innuendo. Less innuendo than usual, we'll ( Read more... )

yousuke hanamura, riza wildman

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advisortype December 22 2009, 09:08:58 UTC
See, this is where it reached sitcom levels. She'd have to wear a dress and get her nails done and wear makeup, and pretend to be this perfect little angel in order to impress them. Only that was completely unnecessary and they'd actually think someone like her was perfect for him. It's hilarious! "But, they're so fun!" he whined, not even really serious, "I'll have my rockin' out pants all ready." But then it just goes to 2.9991, right?

Hey, no knocking 80s slang. "Wouldn't surprise me. Rikku's a girl who loves her some machines. We'll just have to ask real nice and hope he's feeling gracious." Never fear, he'd never touched them. He wasn't big on reading anyway, and love story movies were... let's say, no. Not interested. Vampires yes, sparkling ones, no. "He sounds pretty badass. I've never tried to whip a chain before, but everyone starts somewhere, right?" They were so impractical, though. He'd be better off just using his wind powers to woosh bad guys away. "Sweet. I'll get a helmet and a pair of aviator goggles, and get some jumpsuit or something." He folded his arms behind his head, leaned back, and looked amazingly smug, "What can I say, when I get ideas, I get them good."


wildkickstart December 22 2009, 17:42:58 UTC
Hah hah! Comic misconceptions. "Yeah, I'll give you that, but I swear to god if you call me sugartits or something, this date is over." And something more makeout-ridden would begin, but she wouldn't tell him that. He'd have earned it if he had the fortitude to call her that in the first place. Depends if they were ready after a thousand dates. If they weren't, that was the great thing about decimals. They went on forever as long as you didn't round.

"You leave it to me, man. Harry is easy to figure out." Okay, so she'd just end up asking him straight up, but it didn't mean she couldn't pretend there was more to it. As for that Daybreak crap, good. She knew she'd picked a smart one. "I don't think it's that hard. Just hold it at your side and spin. That's what the movies do, and they're always totally accurate. Just... lay off the jumpsuit. There's parts of you I don't need to see." She smirked, which turned into a full laugh as he leaned back, obviously the most self-satisfied person in the world. "Yeah, yeah. Even a blind squirrel gets a few nuts sometimes."


advisortype December 23 2009, 04:56:47 UTC
Quite right, Phil. "Yeah, uh, you're safe there," he half-mumbled. There were lines, hurdles if you will, that he needed to jump, and calling her that sort of thing was one of them. Maybe if he knew there would be a reward for his sassy, sassy mouth, his bravery would have leveled up a couple times. But for God's sake, if it took a thousand dates, he'll eventually buckle down and grow a pair, rest assured.

"Oh, is he now?" He could have taken that the wrong way, but no need. She was messing with him, again. Don't pat yourself on the back just yet, Riza, you don't know all his tawdry loves. "Seems easy enough. As long as I don't have to actually hit someone, because... I'd probably just wing myself." And then there was staring down his nose at her. "Oh come on, every part of me is equally beautiful." She was going to laugh. He was waiting. There was no way she'd disappoint. "The Blind Squirrels. We should call our band that."


wildkickstart December 23 2009, 05:27:55 UTC
She thought she might have been fine in that field. But right, right, she was serious Riza, this was serious date. She had to keep all that stuff at bay. Besides, they were in public, and while she liked making a scene, normally it involved more busting through a wall on a motorcycle and less really loud, really inappropriate euphemisms.

"I met him the same night I met you. You learn a lot about a guy when he's ogling you." Nothing to take the wrong way about that. He should've remembered how she was dressed that night. Oh god, if "tawdry" was ever a valid way to describe someone's interests, they had to be bad. But at least he wouldn't be disappointed. If the mental image of him smacking himself with his own chain wasn't bad enough, the comment just made everything better. She laughed, loud at first, then quickly pulled it back to avoid drawing attention. "Oh, god, Yousuke, warn me before you say something like that!" It took her so much off guard that she forgot all about that band name suggestion and in fact many other things.


advisortype December 23 2009, 06:21:20 UTC
This date is serious business. No shenanigans, tomfoolery, or hijinks allowed. At least of that particular flavor, anyway. Save it for when they got back and she could embarrass him in front of people they already knew, or yeah, just burst through a wall with a motorcycle. They were used to having to repair all of the carpentry on a daily basis around here by now.

Okay. Yes. She was dressed like... she was dressed. So, Yousuke can't fault Harry for what he must have done, but he still didn't have to like it. At least he suppressed the frown. "And what'd you learn from me when I did it?" Tawdry was a wonderful, wonderful word, it could apply to ever so many things. And, if he was briefly all jealous and mopey-like at the thought of someone else ogling the girl that wasn't his girlfriend yet, it was dispelled when he successfully got another laugh out of her. "Hey, if I warned you, it wouldn't be half as fun."


wildkickstart December 23 2009, 07:43:07 UTC
There would be so many dynamic entries once they got that bike working. Riza could imagine it now and it was in fact totally awesome. Bonus fact, it got her mind off horrible innuendo! So there you go. Most people closed their eyes and thought of England. Riza closed hers and thought of looking awesome.

With her laughter curbed for now, she was free to give Yousuke a self-satisfied look. "I could tell that you appreciated hotness." Lowering her voice so the people around her couldn't hear, she added, "I could tell you'd never seen that much skin before, either." You know, he had a point. If she'd known that was coming, she wouldn't have laughed half as hard. "All right, fair enough, but seriously." All right, so there were a few more chuckles that had to find their way out. She'd be done soon. Probably.


advisortype December 23 2009, 08:49:02 UTC
Hot biker chick and derpy sidekick, hell yes. Ah, Riza, your mind is so fickle! And not like a man's mind at all, because Yousuke could think of innuendos, bikes, and... more innuendos, all at the same time, without mentioning any of them! Renaissance man right here.

It's a smugness party in this place. Only her smug was probably not totally faked. "You know any guys who don't?" And now it was time for blushing, well played, Wildman. "Uh, haha... not in person anyway..." He's a clever boy, for a derp. It's just that the derp gets more exercise. "Seriously. Fine, I'll warn you when I'm about to bust out a gem of comedic wonder." No he wouldn't. And keep laughing, he liked it. It made him feel... special. God, that's mushy.


wildkickstart December 23 2009, 09:26:52 UTC
Fickle? Or focused? No, probably fickle, yeah. Congratulations for being able to multitask. But he was still probably, like, Raphael or something. One of the crappy Renaissance men slash ninja turtles.

Nope, 100% pure smug up in this bitch. "You'd be surprised," but she'd leave that hanging because she didn't really have an answer. "Man, I don't need to hear about what you do on the internet." At least, she hoped it was the internet. She didn't know which of the possible options would be worse, honestly. But she sure as hell knew she didn't want to find out. "Yeah, that's not gonna work. You're unintentionally funny too much." Whether that helped his ego or not was yet to be seen, but if it contributed to him feeling special, Riza wasn't going to stop.


advisortype December 23 2009, 09:53:26 UTC
Fickle is much more fun, anyway, when it comes to some subjects. Just think of him as a Windows OS: he multitasks, he's fun to look at sometimes, he's complicated on the inside, and he tends to bluescreen a lot. Oh, dude, that's so not even fair, he's more like Michelangelo, except there really is a Mikey around now so too bad there.

But of course. "Weirdos, whoever they are." Oh, come on Riza, like he'd seriously look at porn on a school network. That's what burned DVDs were for. "Haha, funny. But no. I've seen my share of R-rated movies, y'know." Glorious, gratuitous nudity... but that leads to banned subjects. "Unintentionally funny is still funny, so I will derp forth." It boosted the ego, no worries there. He just generally tried to be as funny as he could in all things, so if he was being Zen comedic, that's all the better.

"And, speaking of movies... my favorites, of all time, are the original Indiana Jones Colorado James trilogy." No need to mention the fourth. It never happened.


wildkickstart December 24 2009, 02:02:42 UTC
Well, fortunately she was a skilled technician. Went to the first national school of metaphors and majored in boys as computers. Or. Something like that. Anyway the important part was that he was Donatello at best.

"Or gay," she muttered, but whatever. "Yeah, tasteful nudity. Because something about you just screams tasteful." She rolled her eyes, but moved along quickly because yes, that only led to inappropriate subjects. "Nothing to worry about, then." Excellent. She liked laughing, and especially laughing at her boyfriend.

"I don't know. They were pretty good, but I have serious issues with the unrealistic way they portrayed Germans." A couple beats for comic effect, and then, "Nah, I'm kidding, they kicked ass."


advisortype December 25 2009, 07:57:59 UTC
She could defrag his harddrive any day. Oh God that sounded terrible, never making that euphemism again. And come on, can't he just be Bebop or Rocksteady?

"Hey, even gay guys can appreciate the hotness." Just. Not the same kind of hotness. "I'm tasteful! Tasteful like a fox! A sexy little fox." Ham it up a bit there, Yousuke. "Not a damn thing. I'm amazingly in control when it comes to being myself." Did that even sense? Whatever, she was laughing, it was a victory.

Man, he was taking her seriously for a moment there. "Oh, haha, ha... yes, they kicked mucho ass. I love me some whips, what can I say." That could lead inappropriately too, but he didn't mean for it to happen.


wildkickstart December 26 2009, 01:22:51 UTC
If they didn't stop the bad euphemisms, she would end up upgrading this relationship to service pack 2 and it would just get worse from there. Fine, if she got to be Rocksteady, he could be Bebop. That was fair, right?

She nodded, agreeing to the point and moving on. Right into a snicker that she didn't even try to hide. "Yeah, sure. Keep that foxiness at bay until we get home, dude." Always laughing. The sexy fox thing was definitely helping her to keep the laughter rolling, too. Man, she'd landed a special one.

Great. She loved deadpan jokes, so the fact that she'd almost tricked him was kind of awesome. "Oh, really? Keep that until we get home, too. Might have something to take care of it." Another joke, but if he believed her on this one, she wouldn't blame him.


advisortype December 26 2009, 06:10:06 UTC
At least neither of them had to worry about viruses. Oh yeah, went there! Ugh... fine, it's a deal, but for the record, he'd have rather been Rocksteady.

Now, when you say special... "Fine, fine, the fox will be kept at bay until it's legal to deploy him." No, he didn't get what he was saying either. "I'll be nice and good and a perfect little angel."

Isn't that special? It's so wonderful that he gets to look forward weeks, months, quite possibly even years of torment at the hand of her abusing the fact he takes things seriously. "...hey. You have to be an innocent angel too, remember?" This one he did get as a joke, but still, that's a rule violation. "Now, what terrible romcom do I get to look forward to watching over and over again as your favorite movie?"


wildkickstart December 26 2009, 07:04:05 UTC
Yousuke better have at least one Trojan on him, that's all I'm saying.

"Whoa, let's not go crazy," she said after finally getting over that fox thing. "Never mind that you couldn't be an angel if I paid you, but who said that's what I was looking for?" It was her, she was the one who said it.

Oh, buck up. He'd get used to it. Probably. "Yousuke. Bro." Her tone flattened with the rest of her face. "Brosuke. I couldn't be an angel if I paid myself. You should know this by now." But yeah, party foul; she'd rein it in. "My favorite movie, huh? It would have to be the greatest Christmas movie of all time." She let a dreamy look come over her and really hammed up the whole thing just to make it look extra girly and over the top. But she immediately switched back to normal in time to say, "Die Hard."


advisortype December 26 2009, 07:44:32 UTC
Well, he... doesn't, but he'll certainly worry about that when the time comes. God only knows he doesn't want any new code running around any time remotely soon.

Yeah, it was her, and she was getting called out on that, "Nevermind that I couldn't be one if you injected me with raw sugar and spice, I'm pretty sure that was you that said I have to be good."

Maybe. Eventually. Man, that's a weird flat-face look she's got going on there. "That's a lie. I bet you could be sweet and innocent if you really tried. And cared to try." Bluffing? Mostly. But he thought he saw some girly cuteness buried underneath the mountains of snark down in there somewhere. "Never would have pegged you for the Christmas-y type." Oh, wow. That face. He almost chortled just at the sign of it, and then did so when the punchline landed, "A worthy choice, mademoiselle."


wildkickstart December 26 2009, 10:27:31 UTC
Yeah, she's not too keen on that idea either. It shouldn't be a problem, though. She had her own firewall. ...Knowing her, it might very well be made of actual fire.

"I said try to be good. Didn't I?" She'd actually forgotten how specific she had been when setting this whole thing up. "Whatever, it's not important." They were doing well so far, at any rate. Better than she expected.

All part of the deadpan snarker thing she had going. "Well, maybe. It's not totally out of the question." All right, that face hadn't been part of the deadpan thing. It was a wonder she hadn't gotten into acting or anything. "It has everything I could ever want in a movie. Explosions, Christmas, and more explosions." She was a woman of simple pleasures.

"All right, I guess it's my turn. We're down to favorite TV shows now, I guess." Because she didn't take him for much of a reader. "Aside from all those crime scene investigation shows, what do you got?"


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