what do you do, when you are super attracted to someone, who is your friend? you don't have too many friends, but this person has been wanting to hang out with you lately, and you can see an awesome friendship. but you want more. much more. lots more. every part of you wants this person. your mind, your body, your heart. every part of this person seems beautiful and exciting and thought provoking. you dream of this person every night, and so you want all of it. and you want to share it all. but you also want the friendship, and you are afraid to tell this person how you really feel, because you don't have too many good friends, and this person is so awesome that you are afraid of risking it all. what do you do? so i just sit in the corner, being this persons friend, watching this person fall in love with other people many time, have their heart broken many times and go from one person to another, and you sit regretting the fact that you never tried to get more than just a friend out of this person. and you think how you may be the best person for them, but you think that this person will reject you, or they will be mad because they thought you didn't want the friendship the whole time, you just wanted to have sex with this person. this is not true though! you wanted so much more than that! and you damn your self for having little faith in yourself, to believe that this person will say yes. you think that by asking, you could alienate this person, and freak them out in a way to where they never want any more of you. can you understand my fears?
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