Hello everyone! XI new player Avie, here. I'm bringing a student by the name of Derrick Williams. Who is he? Well, he'd say no one important, but he's actually a tinier, less confident, hug and friend needing Agent BA-4 "Derek" from Elite Beat Agents. (Extra "R" for "real name," that should help remember which name is which)
He can hear you as music and has a broken telepathic link that makes him sync up with people and channel the energy within music to form
glowy orb things. (Kinda like the light blue ones that refill the Elite-O-Meter at the top, not the numbered ones.) More details are in his TL;DR app. I'm so sorry Mods, but that was the short one! journal along with backstory and all that fun stuff he's had to deal with lately... ._.
Telepaths and empaths might want to take a look because they might be sensing something off about Derrick, and I'm warning you now. That little not-quite right thing, don't poke at it too much. You'll be pressing buttons that might make him panic or run. Short reason: He's... missing someone... and his family just started falling apart like mad after. He couldn't take it anymore and hid from the world. But! I want him to be happy. Other people want him to be happy. And there are plans to make this kid happy!
Contact info is all in his journal too. Please feel free to drop me a line with any questions, plot ideas, or to tell me if I'm doing things wrong/right. I hope we can have lots of fun.
And, it is my understanding that there are quite a few coffee aficionado type characters here. Older him drinks a lot of it, but this kid has yet to even have a cup. That needs to be fixed. Does someone maybe want to help kick start his coffee drinking habits in the future? 8D