Sep 16, 2010 20:02
[ Reki, today there is a knock at your door, and a to-go box filled with some chicken alfredo pasta outside your office door.
It's still hot. You might want to eat it.
Oh yeah, and there's a Gumi hiding somewhere nearby to watch and make sure you get it. ]
megumi "gumi" kamui,
!!xavier institute
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[He has turned and noticed some green hair. Reki smiles and leaves his office door wide open.]
[Did he ever need some pasta after the past few days.]
... and then proceeds to leave his door wide open.
Yep. He saw her. Well, it wasn't like he wouldn't figure out who gave him his gift of pasta anyway. Pasta was their thing, after all. So she comes out from her hiding place and makes her way to his doorway, leaning against the doorframe and smiling. ]
Figured you could use some.
Have you developed mind reading in addition to talking to machines?
[A joke, but for all he knew, it could be possible.]
[Some of that tension Reki has been holding in his body for the past few days eases some. +10 points for Gumi]
And how are you? Better since the excessive puking from a while back?
[ she's a little surprised. ]
Oh, you're so tiny~! Cuuuute~!
Thanks for making Daddy feel better, by the way~
.... [ she grins. ] Excuse me for a moment.
[ she turns to look at Reki. ] Oh Rekiiii~ I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but congratulations! You're a father.
[Chew. Swallow. What.]
I'm a what?!
She calls you 'Daddy.' She's also super young. She also likes to see you happy.
... And I'm "Daddy"?
[He does smile a little about seeing him happy. At least the baby printer seems nice.]
Name? Is Daddy going to name me?
[ this is just waaay too cute. ]
She's asking if you're going to name her.
A name? Uh, sure. Of course I'll name her...
[But what does someone name a printer you've just found out is a baby girl?]
[Reki pulls up baby naming sites because he has no idea at all.]
Soooo, while your dad's working on a name for you, why don't we make sure everything's good on your end? Not to worry, I won't hurt you. Just going to make sure everything's okay.
Nnnn ... o-okay.
Aww, don't be nervous! I promise, I won't hurt you.
[ Gumi worries about baby printer! ]
Do you think the network problem from earlier... [One does not use the word "damaged" when speaking to a baby...] hurt her?
[Oh. There's a name.]
Uh... how's Aiko?
Yep, seems to be the case, hun.
Hee! Thank you, Daddy!
[ smiles, and after making sure she's okay, she pets the printer a little. ]
She likes her name~
[ leans back in her chair. ] Anyway, I was worried that the events from a while back might have actually affected her, but thankfully Ai seems to be just fine.
[ she already has a nickname for her, yay~ ]
[... This is like one of Balmung's events. Perhaps that's why he's just going with it even if he can't tell if the prin--Aiko is actually reacting to him.]
I... am glad Aiko is okay. I've been double check all the code and records trying to locate the changes. It shouldn't happen again.
Daddy takes good care of me!
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