001 [Video] {Posted from Sanctuary}

Aug 19, 2010 16:26

{Well, well, looks like someone's finally somewhere with internet access and has decided to not only check his e-mail but to give a shout out to those at the institute. He didn't really think any of the students would be curious about him, but at least any teachers, mentors or what have you would have been wondering why he didn't show up almost a week ago when he was supposed to.

He's fiddling with the camera angle a bit so he HAS to know that he's shirtless. He's staring into the camera and waving with a small smile. If someone was looking close enough they could see his skin and hair glistens a little. Perhaps he just got out of the shower? He speaks with a slight accent, it's hard to place because it's somewhere between Scandinavian and British. But it's rather attractive all the same and easy to understand at least.}

Hey Xavier Institute, I know I'm kinda long overdue for this but... {Clearing his throat.} I had some trouble at the airport.

Anyway, I'm kinda sorry I'm missing the excitement. Looks like something crazy is happening to the school? I'm safe here at Sanctuary and I'll be waiting it out till things are quieter there unless you really need a hand.

Names Gray by the way, Gray Fullbuster. So uh, hopefully I'll be able to join you guys soon, if you'll still have me. Sorry for the delay, really, I still want to be a student  there.

Right, so, Good Luck then, with... whatever it is that's going on over there.

{Okay so, he kind of sucks at this whole introduction thing and kind of forgot how to turn the video off. He stands up, revealing that he was only sitting in a light blue towel. The towel get's caught on his chair as he stands and is tugged free. Those still watching are going to get a brief flash of pale hip and buttocks before he walks off screen, thankfully. A wayward hand gropes the air, then snags the towel and pulls it free. The camera is covered by what is possibly the towel before the feed shuts off.}

gray fullbuster, !!xavier institute

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