[[01]] Video.

Jun 20, 2010 00:17

(Whoa. A blue-eyed woman is staring right at you. Wait... Is that pink hair? She pulls a loose strand to the side of her face. Sitting back, she beams a smile at the screen.)

Hello there, Xavier Institute~ New librarian reporting here! The name is Luka Megurine... And before any of you ask-- (SERIOUS.) I am 20.

(Siiiigh. The smile returns.) Sorry about that, I don't bite. Really! Stop by any time and I'm willing to help anyone look for a good read.
Or a nice chat? Mm. I'm new to this country, so bear with me. I would love any help to make me much more... comfortable?

Thanks guys. (Wink~)

(Cuts off.)

luka megurine, !!xavier institute

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