Voice|PrivatekesselrunnerJune 13 2010, 19:11:01 UTC
Looks like this Gossip chick can't come up with a good pun to save her skin.
I was gonna do some work on the Chevelle later this week. Meant to ask you about it but things got a bit busy. I could use an extra set of hands if you aren't busy.
I was gonna do some work on the Chevelle later this week. Meant to ask you about it but things got a bit busy. I could use an extra set of hands if you aren't busy.
[you can practically hear her smiling] Yeah. Yeah, sure. I'd love to.
So, Warren huh? [testing out the waters for competition and possible mixing up during makeouts]
So what kind of expensive rich boy status-mobile does he drive? [so that I know which car to screw with if I ever get pissed at him]
[laughs] And we're just gonna ignore that I sound like the Wicked Witch right now.
[voice goes all old-ladyish. Or as much as it can] I'll get you my pretty! And your little Porsche too!
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