[Tenth, filtered to Host Club]

Mar 29, 2010 11:20

Ah, since it seems things have calmed down a little bit around here, and with most of us being here once again, it's time to really start getting out there.

As most of you have noticed, Christmas is coming up and with how down people still seem to be, it should be a perfect time to try and get a little fun and excitement out there for them to forget their troubles.

What I am proposing is some sort of celebration before everyone decides to go home, if they're planning to do so. Our last event was a little, ah, hastily planned, and that was probably a bit my fault. Thus why we're going to work on this with a few more weeks between now and the date.

So! Does anyone have any ideas that might actually bring more people to it than just a dance? Some people seemed a little awkward about the whole thing last time and if we offer something other than just a dance amongst the whole thing, then we should be able to attract more of the student body.

tamaki suou

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