Vier [text] [not filtered, but directed to staff][strikes deleted]

Mar 23, 2010 22:53

Would it be possible to request a room change? Not because of my roommate, as Jeremie has been quite acceptable, but rather because of my neighbor, Gilbert Beilschmidt. The following behaviors have made it impossible for me to conduct my schoolwork while his room is next to mine and I would like to request that one or the other of us be relocated as soon as possible I would suggest a cell in the basement for Gilbert.

-Over loud music after curfew
-Repeatedly throwing himself or other things at the walls
-Shouting at me when I leave my room
-Shouting insults about myself, my music, my clothing and my intelligence at all times of the day and night
-Leaving unsavory items outside my door

[attached are pictures taken by a cellphone camera of several items, generally smelly, disgusting looking or both in paper bags]

I have tried talking to him multiple times and Gilbert refuses to change his behavior, listen, or at times even acknowledge that I am speaking to him. I therefore request the aforementioned relocation as this is extremely disruptive to both myself and my roommate, Jeremie Belpois.

roderich edelstein

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