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Mar 08, 2010 20:51

[ Misa fiddles with her Webcam, adjusting it so she's perfectly in the center. She gives a wave to the camera, followed by a childish giggle. First run through is in Japanese- Because her English is terrible...]

Misa-Misa is here!

Finally, that plane journey was soooo boring! Bleh! HeeHee~ Though, Misa doesn't really know what to say in her first post, apart from she's really looking forward to meeting you all~ Yep, yep she is!

Misa isn't even sure what to do here in general, is it just like school?

I hope my roommate doesn't mind me redecorating my half of the room~! The room is so bland, who ever decorated this place needs to have a few lessons.

[ She takes a pause looking at the big boxes of clothes and other unimportant important items she's brought along with her. Since she doesn't have a real home in Japan, she had to bring EVERYTHING with her...Obviously.]

Is there anyone who would like to help Misa-Misa unpack? Misa can't do this all by herself~

[ Expect the next run through of this to be horrible English, missing out a lot of the words and generally sounding like it's come straight from a translator.]

misa amane

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