Hey there, fellow XI-ers. Don't like the nickname? You'll adapt.
Let me introduce myself. I'm Gossip Girl, and you may have heard of me if you live on the Upper East Side. What am I doing here? I saw a place in need of a scandal and more importantly, the truth, and who am I to deny that to you? But enough about me. I want to know about you.
Your secrets, your dirty laundry and all of those pent-up lies just waiting to be uncovered, and believe me, they will be uncovered. It looks like your days of running around with impunity are gone, but hey, don't look so sad.
It's our little secret. One that I'm generously choosing to share with a couple hundred other people, but at least our good New York senator isn't counted among that number.
And to all of the rest of you - those of you with gossip to spill, I'm offering you an outlet. Drop me a line at
TIPS@GOSSIPGIRL.ANON and the truth will set you free.
Sleep well, Xavier's. It looks like things are about to change around here.
Gossip Girl.
Here's an OOC post explaining everything that's going down. And for easy reference, the
OOC TIP POST and the