[There's a youtube video embedded at the top of the post. It contains the
soundbites of Senator Thomson urging registration.]
Transcript of the relevant parts: “It is important all premises owners and operators are forewarned of the possible responses by mutants within their area. Whilst I do not in any way disparage the efforts of our citizens to defend themselves and those around them, it remains clear that a system of registration would aid police in cases such as these."
I think we can all see why this is complete bull, but we need to not prove him right. Everyone's looking at us right now, and we've got to be the best example we can. We're not like those people in Florida and we're not a danger to the community.
So if you're going into town this weekend or anything, be on your best behavior. Don't let them be able to point at us when we're at our worst and be able to say 'that's what mutants are like.' Be helpful, be kind, be silent or invisible -- but don't cause trouble. And be careful.