[Video] 0.1

Dec 29, 2009 20:44

[There is a boy with immaculately neat clothing and strange black hair marked with three white stripes, sat precisely in the middle of the screen with a notably symmetrical background, the books on the shelf and other items in the room meticulously arranged into mirror images of their partners.]

My greetings to the inhabitants of this fine ( Read more... )

death the kid

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[video] pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 20:56:03 UTC
[She's looking at the topiary, then faces the computer.]

...Y'really can't tell, yanno.


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 20:59:37 UTC
... Obviously you aren't looking carefully enough.


pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 21:00:59 UTC
[She moves to right up near the bush]

Hmm...nope, nothing! Do you have, like, crazy strong vision as a power or something? I mean, I seriously don't see it.


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 21:04:45 UTC
How can you not see it?! That twig, the one three centimetres aboves your head; it is clearly almost five entire inches higher than the one of the bush on the other side.


pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 21:05:53 UTC
[looks up, then cranes her head to see the other side]

Uh...yeah, you really can't tell unless you're looking for it.


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 21:07:36 UTC
Would you then do me the infinite favour of removing it and its partner? It would be a great relief to me, only I felt it might be impertinant to do it myself?


pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 21:20:03 UTC

[she breaks them off]

Are you OCD or something? Not trying to be rude, but, uh, really, no one else could tell.


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 21:25:27 UTC
Ah, thank you so much, that feels much better...

OCD? No no, nothing of the sort, I simply appreciate the finer details of...

Sorry, but could you turn that leaf a little to the right? You nudged it when you broke the twig.


pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 21:29:43 UTC
{does so}

Uh, for the record, being so freaked out over a branch and a leaf not being perfect is kinda OCD-ish.

I'm Rikku, by the way!


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 21:33:00 UTC
You think so? Hmm, perhaps... non-the-less I am grateful for your assistance.

A pleasure to meet you miss Rikku! Are there any classes you recommend? I have yet to look over the list of options...


pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 21:35:24 UTC
I can honestly say fixing a bush isn't the weirdest thing I've had to do for someone!

Well, I'm in French, which is fun, and there's math. Uhh....there's a lot of English classes, too, if you like that kinda stuff, and theatre!


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 21:39:14 UTC
Sounds like you have quite an interesting lifestyle! I appologise for putting you out of your way.

Mathematics is an admirable sphere of knowledge, I believe I may be seeing you there shortly! Theatre sounds interesting, what sort of studies does that cover?


pickinurpockets December 29 2009, 21:40:52 UTC
Look, unless you can beat askin' me to dye the dog blue and bring the lace, this is nothing!

Uh...plays? We apparently have some other drama class buuuuuut I dunno what it's gonna cover that's not already covered in Theatre. Unless they changed the teachers or something...


flawlessymmetry December 29 2009, 21:43:18 UTC
I can safely say that any canines in my close vacinity will be quite safe chromatically speaking...

Hmm, well I shall certainly look into it for consideration!


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