Okay. Anyone who needs more practice with the
bows, I got the okay to have one last practice hurrah on Thursday. Everyone should have not only their bows ready, but their arrows, a thermos of hot, non caffinated beverage, and a small pack with a baggie and toilet paper. -=Serious Ed is serious.=-
Everyone should pack an extra string or two just in case yours breaks in a most horrible and embarrassing way. Remember that natural fibers should be close to the skin with the synthetics farthest away. Long johns is your friend! I'm not going to have people go into hypothermia while we're out there. Al n' I are bringing out one first aid kit.
This is the running plan, folks... We head on out at 3:30 on Saturday to the stands, get set up, and then we wait. If anyone gets a hit and it runs off, we track in pairs and threes. No one goes out alone. No one. Mr LeBeau handed off the vests and licenses to me, oh- and the tags to mark what we get. If you still can't handle dressing out in the field, I suggest you take one of the seasoned hunters with you on your tracking. Ulquiorra I think will be more than happy to go out and help with the initial dressing, too.