[Filtered from Fletcher - Posted obscenely early in the morning]

Nov 28, 2009 02:41

So I've got a question. Normally, I can choose when to use my powers. At home, before I got here, I had more trouble turning it on than off. I mean, sometimes I would just lose my grip on whatever I was controlling, and it'd just fall to the ground.

But lately, I've had the opposite problem. I can't shut it off sometimes, and other times it'll be completely unconscious. Like I'll come back to my room from class to find that I've got an exact replica of my class notes waiting for me on my desk, only since the page wasn't turned, it's all layered one page worth on the last.

This seems like a worse problem than before, really. I don't know what to do. Any ideas?

russel tringham, !!xavier institute

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