Zen Training Exercise for the Day

Sep 28, 2006 15:43

My "Zen Fly Hunting Meditation"

Step 1: Find flies (if having problems, Evoke Belzeebub, Lord of the Flies)
Step 2: Kill flies, using only bare hand, grasshopper

Flies tend to be particularly tricky to kill with your bare hands, and doing this can be quite a Zen Exercise. I first developed this Skill when I was working as an Asst. Manager at a restaurant. My boss refused to do anything about the flies we would get in, which could get quite numerous in certain months. Oddly enough, flyswatters--with their flinging around and flicking of rotten fly parts from months ago--gross me out far more than killing them with my bare hands. Of course I immediately wash my Hands and clean up my Kill, but Hunting Flies, as silly as it sounds, is actually quite a nice Exercise.

My "secret" is simply thus:

1-Observe the Fly, waiting for it to land for a bit.

2-Clear your Mind as you slowly get within striking range... take your time...

3-When the time is right*, Explode on the Fly (if done "correctly", this "spontaneous action" will Surprise both you and the Fly)

Step 3 is the key to the Zen Calming. When done correctly, it's truly awesome to behold.

I believe my record is killing 13 Flies in 14 tries/strikes.

I've yet to be able to catch fly in chopsticks, though...

5-8 circuits, zen, magick 101, socs, essays, meditation, pragmatic, wei-wu-wei, taoism, ascs

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