Jun 07, 2006 22:50
To "Know Thy Selves" has been my Life's Quest for longer than I can remember. That postmodern version of the Delphic Oracular Quote has been with me since before I first became active online. Since my initial online contact with others, I've had various I-dent-if-I-cations, but the Quest and the Quote remain constant.
What does it take to truly "Know Thy Selves"?
It can (and should!) be seen in a variety of Ways. I consider myself a PsychoNaut. A PsychoNaut is an Explorer of the Limits of (one's personal) Subjective REALity. I also see it as trying to understand and be in Control of my Life. PsychoNaut literally translates from the Greek as "Sailors of the Psyche". It's about Steering your Life in the Direction of your Choosing. It's all these things and more, in Ways that can't be pinned down to the level of Mental Constructs.
Perhaps it should be, "Gno Thy Selves".
The Beauty of merely focusing on Knowing Thy Selves is that I've found I've surpassed that most common Trick of Maya, that of Denial. By merely becoming Aware of personal bias', Habitual Patterns, etc., I've felt compelled to Modify, Altar, and Change those aspects that I choose not to Accept. As I've stated many times before, one of the keys to my Path is to
either Change
or Accept
This is where Magick and Mysticism--respectively--come into Play (further discourse on these topics exceeds the scope of this essay).
The primary driving forces of our Lives seem to be those that could roughly fall within the fields of Psychology (and by extension, Linguistics, Sociology, and even Philosophy and Theology)--specifically aspects of our non-Physical Selves that lie outside our direct Conscious Control (i.e., the unConscious, or "not Conscious"). Really, anything that has to do with people could be seen as being directly involved with many aspects of Psychology. This could include how Man Perceives, Experiences, reMemeBears, Interprets, InterActs with, etc. Consider the unConscious as an ocean--the Deep Mind. Consider the unConscious' power in shaping our Lives, the Sailing metaphors recur, as any who've Sailed can tell you.
Another favorite metaphor I like is that we all exist in a vacuum, and our only contact is via this mirror-like bubble, that Reflects back what we Send out. Does this metaphor Stir something within you?
In NLP--one of my favorite Tools--it is said that (like a computer?), we must all run some sort of Program, but the aim/goal is to have as many Programs to run (with as much ability to Adapt as possible--"Flexibility is Power") as possible. Freedom comes from having as many Choices as possible. The Power of Choice is the one Freedom that can never be stolen from us. Put yet another way, to
"Know Thy Selves"
"Mastery of the Subjective"
It's about Exploring the Limits of what I can and can not Do. What I am capable of. So far, I've Manifested some pretty improbable Effects, with highly specific Results (aka, "Magick"), but I've yet to be able to fly without physical assistance (but I am still convinced that it's a nonZero Probability). It's about taking Responsibility for (Response-Ability, or the Ability to Respond to) my Life.
By it's very nature, to "Know Thy Selves" is an intensely (Intents-ly) Personal undertaking. Fortunately, wee humans have found that in anything as organic, diverse, and nonLinear as human populations, certain Patterns Emerge. The study of these Patterns is, to me, to "Know Thy Selves". I've felt very fortunate that by merely Sharing some of the things that I've Experienced in my Life, I can sometimes help others take "short-cuts" to Success in their Lives. Whether it be Sharing an opinion about something, or having someone say, "you know what, when you said __________, it totally helped __________ click for me". I am deeply Honored when I can be of Service.
And ultimately, as Abba once said
"Knowing me (is)
knowing you
but not REALly.
"Know Thy Selves"
Xi O'Teaz