My thoughts on OtherKin, reIncarnation, and Multiple Selves (what in tarNation?)

May 31, 2006 21:25

(this is a archival modification and expansion upon what was originally a combo reply to 2 of lupabitch's posts)

(I had just referenced my essay from Konton v.2.2, Animal Musings, and we were talking of Working with Animal Powers and OtherKin)

I've Worked with a great many of the Animal Powers, on a variety of Levels. I think that my essay sums up a great deal of it. I've never really I-dent-I-fied with the "OtherKin" community. I wanted to answer your survey in the other entry, but really my feeling on the whole thing (and reIncarnation, and past Lives, and multiple selves, and "acting out of character", et. al.) could basically summed up as follows:

We all have a "touch of the Infinite All" in us.

Call it "buddha nature", the personal Brahman, the "chris+ inside", our "connection with (god)", the Akashic Record, or whatever-the-fuck-Created-us-and-made-us-whatever-the-fuck-we-"are" (our Connect-tion to that), we all are connected to an Infinite Potential. Thru this Connect-tion (and on a certain nonDualistic level), we are all Cleopatra, Abraham Lincoln, Hitler, that rock, you, a millenium Tree, the person and thing you most Love and Hate, and literally everyThing.

We all have Infinite Potential


The whole OtherKin thing--to me--would basically be a more exclusionary form of Invocatory Identification. I'm sure that some would say that this is somehow psychologically unHealthy, but to them I'd remind them that one of the key criteria (at least to me, and most of the psych guys I know) is evaluating whether or not Identifying as an OtherKin becomes maladaptive to their lives. If it's not interfering with the Life they are choosing to Create, I'm all for it.

But personally, I like approaching it more from a postModern Invocatory Magickal Way. I've worked with countless Animal Powers, not the least of which would include Mother Bear, Coyote, Phoenix, Beaver, Crow, Raven, Owl, Turtle, Frog, ButterFly, Tiger, Dragon, and a great deal more that I've dealt with on a shorter term basis that I can't think of right now.

One of the many interesting things (to me), is that the summer of the year 2K. When I was living at BreitenBush Hot Springs, as much as I tried to work with the Tao Te Ching, I Ching, TaiJi, and various other Taoist things, I was literally overWhelmed by the Animal Powers, in particular the local Native Spirits.

There have been countless Theories about so many newage (rhymes with "sewage") concepts, I think the meme I've put forth here has the best Explanatory value. Basing Work off of the idea that we all have Infinite Potential certainly frees us up to Explore a great many things.

Holding this beLIEf as I do, I'm often puzzled by those who seem somehow "Victims/Martyrs" via spreading such memes as, "well, I can't help it, this is how I am" (the underlined part being purely a semantic spook immediately disSpelled by postModern nonLinear thinking patterns).

So to those newagers who claim to "be" (or "have been" or "will be", all pre-postModern semantical spooks):

the other thing
any- and

I reply:

"Yeah, you and every other Thing in Creation"

also stated as

"You're a unique snowflake of Creation, just like everyone else"

(i.e., get over yourself)


"Know Thy Selves"

Xi O'Teaz (not REAL-ly)

commune-i-cation, 5-8 circuits, psychocosms, essays, invocation, pragmatic, ascs, friends, evocation, psychology, nondualism, memetics, coyote, theory vs. practice, animism, philosophy

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