My thoughts on the MidEast conflicts in the news

Jan 07, 2009 13:41

Summed up?

"I have no idea why the news would even bother to report on it. 'Conflict in the MidEast' is about as 'new' as the human instinct to fight over territory. It's been going on at least daily for over 60 years, I hardly think that qualifies as 'newsworthy'. Might as well say, 'today, the sun rose'."

Personally, I think that we should just nuke that whole desert wasteland back to the stone age so that it becomes uninhabitable to humans for, oh, say, the next several billion years. Can't agree to share the toy? Then daddy will break the toy, making sure no one gets to play with it.

It's a fucking desert wasteland, fer chrissakes. You really wanna fight over that???

I'm not even going to start in on my feelings of Zionism or the inanity of how everyone over there is worshiping the same goddamn god, all of whom think that "their" god "gave" them the land exclusively and not to be shared with the "infidels" who also worship that same god in a different way. If anything, it just shows just how sick (or at best, Trickster-like) YHVH is.


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