I'm just finishing an excellently thorough (and thus, long) article on InterPersonal Commune-I-cation. Although it's officially called a
Guide to Flirting, it's really much more about being able to commune with others (or sever such) and being able to read them. It could just as easily be called "Social Skills 101," something that I sorely lacked for many years (and still have much to learn/be reminded of/practice). I don't know if you can appreciate this or not. It's always nice to be reminded of these simple things, particularly in monitoring what messages I'm sending out. There are definitely many things in that article that I am quite good at--either consciously or unconsciously--but there are at least a solid dozen or more things that I should really continue to work on. NLP covers many of these things, and I am often quite aware of things such as Mirroring & Matching. But I've been working on my Eye Contact, studying up on the many uses of Touch, thanks in no small part to ideas from both
beautifulpyre &
rata_min_shin, and reading up on these 2 threads both brought me to this article.
Useful in all interpersonal interactions, not the least of which include career interviews. I'm going to go practice during my errands today, and if I'm lucky, I may come home with a number ;-)