Aug 14, 2004 13:43
Quiz of the day:
What do you think happens after you die?
You become worm-food.
And either you continue to exist, or you don't.
Do you believe in heaven?
Yeah, it's right here. Can't you see it?
Do you believe in hell?
Yeah, it's right here. Can't you see it?
Do you think you will be judged after you die?
How many people would attend your funeral?
I don't want a funeral.
Would you rather that people cry or laugh at your funeral?
What's better? A shot in the head or downing pills?
I've always liked the thought of ascending thru the clouds--hopefully in front of lots of people.
What should be written on your tombstone?
"He Lived Life"
Would you rather die childless or divorced?
Do you want to die in the morning, afternoon, or night?
I guess if I'm dead, it wouldn't really matter, now would it?
If you had a million dollars to leave, who would you leave it to?
Either charities of my choosing, or friends and family who I feel would benefit from it.
What kind of flowers do you want at your funeral?
Dead bout "None".
On your deathbed, which moment will you most remember?
A particular "Initiation" I Experienced.
Have you ever watched someone die?
Does one's Ego count?
What's the most gruesome death you can imagine?
Being surrounded by Christian fundamentalists on my deathbed.
How often do you think about death?
Constantly, but not in the way this question prolly means.
Is fear of dying your number one fear?
Fuck no--it's one of my most looked forward to Goals, yo.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not really.
Have you ever wished someone you loved were dead?
Unfortunately, yes.
Do you consider life short or long?
Do you think you have a soul?
Fuck No.
Assisted suicide for a terminally ill person is:
Their choice.
Would you choose to be immortal, if you could be?
Fuck No. Sounds waaay too boring.