When it comes to potential girlfriends, I've long joked that I'm "shallow", but I've recently REALized what's really going on*. I will not settle for anything less than someone who Stimulates me on ALL levels, which in my Metaphysical Map means:
Spiritually (Fire)
Mentally (Air)
Emotionally (Water)
Physically (Earth)
Anything less than that probably means that I won't necessarily have anything "against" a potential mate, but that to expect me to "settle down in a long-term monogamous relationship" with anyone who does not Ful(ly)Fill all 4 of these aspects of my being is going to eventually be severely disappointed (as I often am)**.
I REALize that this means that I may be permanently "single", but I am unwilling to compromise in this department. I know that many of my friends have suggested that I embrace the PolyAmorous lifestyle--which they say would help me solve this problem--but it's really all I can do to make time for a single other individual in my Life. Making time for more than one other special person has thus far been completely out of the question in my life. I'd freely admit that "anything is possible", but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
I genuinely Desire finding a Partner I can Share my Life with. Unfortunately, (perhaps due to my snobby nature &/or my unwillingness to "settle" &/or my very independent Spirit &/or my very unique Foci in Life &/or "me" in general) I don't see the Probabilities for such happening... Although I must confess that some of you (e.g.,
sannion &
erl_queen & a few others) give me an immense amount of "Hope", and thus I continue to SEEK***...
Not that you really care, but just to clarify my own thoughts**** ;-)
* It's not that I'm just "shallow", but rather more accurately I want "both the shallow & the deep end". I.e., I want a mate to be both as beautiful & stimulating Physically as they are Spiritually. I know that's asking a lot, but that's the only type of person I'm willing to invest the time it takes to keep an intimate Relationship going with.
** My ex, "M", definitely qualified in all but perhaps the "Emotional" dept's. I am very willing (and eager!) to compromise as much as I can, depending on the individual (circumstances). However, with each year I grow older, I become less and less willing to put up with other people's bullshit & drama (eliminating the BS & Drama will exponentially increase the chance for "catching" this Bachelor!).
*** If you should know of anyone who fits these bills & lives in Eugene, feel free to send me their contact info. Just because I'm a finicky muthafucka doesn't mean that I don't want to find a Partner.
****Many of my friends have told me that I should "open up" my standards. They have suggested that I "lower my standards", try "PolyAmoury", "compromise more" (which I do a lot of once I'm hooked on a girl), try alternative sexualities, etc. Honestly, I can't rule any of these options out, given my very Dynamic Life (which is one of the many major hindrances to Relationships, I've found out). But honestly, I am one of the few people on this planet who is truly at least as happy--if not happier--being "single" as "with someone". I think that people who immediately find & settle on a Relationship soon after their previous Relationship are, frankly, rather pathetic & pitiful (or--best case scenario--incredibly fucking lucky at finding that "1 in a million" person in the few weeks I often see people finding a new mate after their previous one has departed, although I highly doubt this is the situation, as Time often proves me correct...). Therefore, in order for me to make the compromises that an intimate Relationship often asks, there must be a similar trade-off that is often lacking (at least as my Experience has shown so far in my Life).