Sigil Evolutions & TranceFormations

Apr 13, 2008 18:17

Fuck cuts, this is some cool shit ;-b

For the past better part of a year, I've been working on important personal Work that has to do with Balancing out parts of myself that I'd set aside as I worked on other things. I had some pretty interesting and surprising Sigils spring forth in the course of this past year, and I thought I'd tie them all together here, all official-like:

The first 2 Sigils I stumbled upon quite by accident. I tend to have very interesting Memetic & Semiotic TranceFormations occur as I'm working on "encapsulating" a particular Working into a Sigil, Name, or other Magickal Link.

This first Sigil represents my "Operation 4 Health". I've accentuated and stylized what I noticed several months ago--when I write out the number "4" and the capital "H", they look nearly identical. The Number 4 represents the Physical/Earthy Plane, I liked "Operation" instead of "'Working" due to its Semiotic inferences, and "Health", I noticed seemingly for the first time, is mostly comprised of the word "HEAL". I actually prefer to spell it (at least in my head) as:


The Operation 4 HEAL+4 is about getting my physical body--which has long been neglected--to become more HEALthy and imbue it with more of a sense of Well-Being. Like any good Sigil, I keep seeing more and more Correspondences in the "H4" combo I've found in my Writing, including the fact that it often looks remarkably like the Astrologickal symbol for Jupiter. The 4 Corners of the Operation 4 HEAL+4 are:

Losing Weight
Hsing Yi
Hygiene/Well-Being/Overall HEAL+4

The 2nd Sigil Synched up with my 33rd Birthday, which is a year that I have long looked forward to for Numerologickal reasons, as many of you who know me and my love of 3's could guess. I could write a whole essay on the importance of my 33rd year, but suffice it to say that of the Goals I have in Life, one of the big ones was to be at a certain "level" in the many aspects of my Life. I have been working on 2nd Circuit Boundary-holding for the past couple of years, and have learned an immense amount about generally being more bold in most aspects of my Life. As I wrote out "33 years old" on a piece of paper, I noticed a very interesting Semiotic pattern, that you can see in the previous Sigil, which resulted in my "BBOlD" Sigil.

As I continue to perform the Great Work of Balancing out myself and those aspects I lack, one general trend I have noticed (and I know the Causes, but that's another essay altogether) is my general lack of BOLDness in my Life, primarily because, ultimately, I don't let things perturb me enough to give a shit, but again, I digress. One "downside" to swearing my Life to "never growing old" as I did and continue to do, is that it seems to almost set up blocks to certain "adult-like" Responsibilities. Like paying bills on time, wanting to raise a family, climbing the corporate ladder, etc. Now, I'm not saying these things are "good" or "bad", but to Restrict one's Selves from options goes against many of the things I stand for Philosophically, and thus I prefer to avoid. The rectification of some of these personal ImBalances are some of the prime Motivators and Intents of this Sigil.

Amongst other Correspondences, yo ucan see that the two 3's have been turned into "13"s, which is the number of TranceFormation and Initiations, twice over (both Physically and HEAL+4 Wise?). I've also noticed the 0 -> 1 -> Dagaz (which represents SynThesis and thus, a secret 3rd "number 3"). Also, there is the Binary aspect of the 0/1, as I continue to work on my Technomancy. Also, as "Xi O'Teaz" my "lD" is very much that of "0". &c.

Cut to a few days ago when I announced my newest Magickal Working, Career DisCovery 343

Seeing how they all tie into one another in a great many ways that I couldn't even begin to enumerate, I came up with the following Sigil that pretty much represents more than enough major Life-overhauling Intents to keep me more than busy enough:

I think this qualifies as my first "overall Life Working Sigil, in that I can pretty much Focus on this at any time during the next several months, and know that my "Gnostic NRG" is going toward my personally relevant and immediate Intents & Goals. I particularly like the way the "4" easily and smoothly transitions into the "BBOlD" Sigil, not only adding the "343" to the overall design, but turning both the "L" & "D" into a "fish-hook" pointing downwards, to Manifest/Earth this NRG.

Thank you for reading this far.

"May you attain all you Desire this year."


"Know Thy Selves"

nlp, semiotics, art, 2nd circuit, numerologickal, operation 4 health, magick, sigils, bbold, 343, 3430ld

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